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The LARC Game Engine
A Simple Game Engine from the Laboratory for Recreational Computing
Abort.h | Header and define for the ABORT macro |
BaseCamera.h | Interface for the base camera class LBaseCamera |
BaseObject.h | Interface for the basic game object class LBaseObject |
BaseObjectManager.h | Interface for the baseobject manager LBaseObjectManager |
CameraCommon.h | Interface for the camera common variables class LCameraCommon |
Component.h | Interface for the component class LComponent |
ComponentIncludes.h | A bunch of includes needed wherever you derive from LComponent |
Controller.h | Interface for the XBox 360 controller class LXBoxController |
EventTimer.h | Interface for the event timer class LEventTimer |
Helpers.h | Header file for helper functions |
Keyboard.h | Interface for the keyboard handler class LKeyboard |
Particle.h | Interface for the particle class LParticle |
ParticleEngine.h | Interface for the particle engine class LParticleEngine |
Random.h | Interface for the pseudorandom number generator LRandom |
Renderer3D.h | Interface for the 3D renderer LRenderer3D |
Settings.h | Interface for the settings class LSettings |
Sound.h | Interface for the sound class LSound |
Sprite.h | Interface for the sprite class LSprite |
SpriteDesc.h | Interface for the sprite descriptor classes |
SpriteRenderer.h | Interface for the sprite renderer LSpriteRenderer |
TextureDesc.h | Interface for the texture descriptor LTextureDesc |
Timer.h | Interface for the timer LTimer |
Window.h | Interface for the window class LWindow |
WindowDesc.h | Interface for the window descriptor LWindowDesc |
Abort.cpp | Code for aborting when something catastrophic goes wrong |
BaseObject.cpp | Code for the game object class LBaseObject |
CameraCommon.cpp | Code for the class LCameraCommon |
Component.cpp | Code for the component class LComponent |
Controller.cpp | Code for the XBox 360 controller class LXBoxController |
EventTimer.cpp | Code for the event timer class LEventTimer |
Helpers.cpp | Code file for helper functions |
Keyboard.cpp | Code for the keyboard handler class LKeyboard |
Particle.cpp | Code for the particle class LParticle |
ParticleEngine.cpp | Code for the particle engine class LParticleEngine |
Random.cpp | Code for the pseudorandom number generator LRandom |
Renderer3D.cpp | Code for the 3D renderer LRenderer3D |
Settings.cpp | Code for the settings class LSettings |
Sound.cpp | Code for the Audio Player class LSound |
Sprite.cpp | Code for the sprite class LSprite |
SpriteDesc.cpp | Code for the sprite descriptor classes |
SpriteRenderer.cpp | Code for the sprite renderer LSpriteRenderer |
Timer.cpp | Code for the timer LTimer |
Window.cpp | Code for the window class LWindow |
WindowDesc.cpp | Code for the window descriptor LWindowDesc |