The LARC Game Engine
A Simple Game Engine from the Laboratory for Recreational Computing
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Macros | Functions
Helpers.h File Reference

Header file for helper functions. More...

#include "Defines.h"


#define SAFE_DELETE(p)   {delete (p); (p) = nullptr;};
 Safe delete of a pointer. More...
#define lerp(t, a, b)   (a + t*(b - a))
 Linear interpolation.
#define spline3(t)   (t*t*(3.0f - 2.0f*t))
 Cubic spline.
#define spline5(t)   (t*t*t*(10.0f + 3.0f*t*(2.0f*t - 5.0f)))
 Quintic spline.
#define clamp(a, b, c)   (((b)<(a))?(a):(((b)>(c))?(c):(b)))
 Clamp between values.


void MakeWideFileName (_In_ const char *, _Out_ wchar_t *&)
 Make wide file name from a narrow one. More...
XMFLOAT4 HSVtoRGB (float, float, float)
 Convert color from HSV to RGB. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SAFE_DELETE (   p)    {delete (p); (p) = nullptr;};

Note that it is OK to delete a null pointer. Note the brackets and braces also.

Function Documentation

◆ HSVtoRGB()

XMFLOAT4 HSVtoRGB ( float  h,
float  s,
float  v 

Convert color in HSV format to RGB format. This is a helper function for generating a pseudorandom color. I snagged it from the interwebs.

Color in RGB format with an alpha value of 1.

◆ MakeWideFileName()

void MakeWideFileName ( _In_ const char *  filename,
_Out_ wchar_t *&  wfilename 

Helper function to make a wide file name out of a regular one. Creates a wide buffer and stores the wide version of a regular file name in it. Remember to delete the wide file name after it has been used.

filename[in] The original file name.
wfilename[out] The wide file name.