The LARC Game Engine
A Simple Game Engine from the Laboratory for Recreational Computing
Static Protected Attributes | List of all members
LCameraCommon Class Reference

The camera common variables class. More...

#include <CameraCommon.h>

Inheritance diagram for LCameraCommon:
LBaseCamera LRenderer3D LSpriteRenderer

Static Protected Attributes

static XMFLOAT4X4 m_orient
 Orientation matrix.
static XMFLOAT4X4 m_view
 View matrix.
static XMFLOAT4X4 m_projection
 Projection matrix.

Detailed Description

LCameraCommon is a singleton class that encapsulates camera properties that need to be shared between classes, specifically, the orientation, view, and projection matrices in a form that doesn't need to be 16-byte aligned. Byte alignment is necessary for things that need to be shared with the GPU. Don't ignore it - if you do then things might appear to work for a while, but it will bite you in the neck when you least expect it.