LARC computers upgraded to Alienware Aurora.
LARC graduates its fifth PhD student, Dr. Timothy McMahan.
LARC graduates its fourth PhD student, Dr. Joshua Taylor.
LARC graduates its third PhD student, Dr. Jonathan Doran. Number of current-generation LARC computers increased to 25. Game Programming 1/Intro to Game Programming has a record enrolment of 56 students.
LARC graduates its second PhD student, Dr. Dhanyu Amarasinghe.
LARC awarded its first Certificates in Game Programming to five Spring 2010 graduates. The lab moved to its fifth location in NTRP F204 in August. LARC named in the top 50 out of 500 undergraduate game design programs in North America.
LARC's 50th and 51st alumni, Tyler Cole and Katina Ferguson, got jobs in the game industry.
Approval received for two new game programming classes, Game Math and Physics, and Topics in Game Development, and for a new Undergraduate Certificate in Game Programming.
Approval received for two graduate game development classes, CSCE 5250 (Introduction to Game Programming) and 5260 (3D Game Programming). Topics in Game Development first taught as a section of Special Topics at the undergraduate and graduate level.
SAGE, a Simple Academic Game Engine released under an open source license.
LARC graduates its first PhD student, Dr. Timothy Roden.
LARC moves to its fourth location in room F206 at the NT research park.
Advanced Game Programming class achieves legitimacy with the awarding of its own course code (CSCI 4052) and catalog entry.
GAB 204 has since been destroyed to make room for the Mayborn College of Journalism. This makes two former LARC locations that no longer exist.
Advanced Game Programming first offered.
Game Programming class first offered under the new CSCI 4050 course code.
Introductory Game Programming class achieves legitimacy with the awarding of its own course code (CSCI 4050) and catalog entry.
Introductory Game Programming class first offered as a section of Directed Studies. LARC moves into its second location in GAB 204.
The Laboratory for Recreational Computing begins with Dr. Parberry's Directed Studies students in a cramped room in GAB. The exact room is lost to the mists of time however, because in 1994 the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences takes over the whole area and dismantles the room, walls and all, to make her new office suite.