Coursework Requirements
Undergraduates who complete the four-course sequence CSCE 4210, 4220, 4250, and 4255 are eligible for the Certificate in Game Programming.
Degree Requirements
The Certificate may be undertaken as part of a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Information Technology. If you already have an undergraduate degree and you meet UNT's admission requirements, then you should sign up as a post-baccalaureate student. Once you fulfill the math and physics prerequisites you will be able to enroll in the four-course game programming sequence and earn the Certificate in Game Programming.
How to Apply
When you have completed the four required courses listed above, or when you are enrolled in one or more of them and you plan to graduate at the end of the current semester, then fill out this form and bring it to Ian Parberry or leave it at the front desk of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering.