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The LARC Game Engine
A Simple Game Engine from the Laboratory for Recreational Computing
This is the complete list of members for LWindow, including all inherited members.
CloseDebugConsole() | LWindow | private |
CreateGameWindow(HINSTANCE) | LWindow | private |
EnforceAspectRatio(WPARAM, RECT *) | LWindow | privatestatic |
EnforceAspectRatio(MINMAXINFO *) | LWindow | privatestatic |
GetBorderSizes(int &w, int &h) | LWindow | privatestatic |
InitGameWindow(_In_ HINSTANCE) | LWindow | private |
Load() | LSettingsManager | |
m_bExitSizeMove | LWindowDesc | protectedstatic |
m_fAspectRatio | LSettingsManager | protectedstatic |
m_hInst | LWindowDesc | protectedstatic |
m_Hwnd | LWindowDesc | protectedstatic |
m_nWinHeight | LSettings | protectedstatic |
m_nWinWidth | LSettings | protectedstatic |
m_pXmlSettings | LSettingsManager | protectedstatic |
m_szName | LSettings | protectedstatic |
m_vWinCenter | LSettings | protectedstatic |
m_xmlDoc | LSettingsManager | private |
OpenDebugConsole() | LWindow | private |
SetWinSize(int, int) | LSettingsManager | protected |
WinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE, bool, const t0 &, const t1 &, const t2 &) | LWindow | |
WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) | LWindow | privatestatic |