Colliding Shapes
Ian Parberry's "Introduction to Game Physics"
Static Protected Attributes | List of all members
CShapeCommon Class Reference

The shape common variables class. More...

#include <ShapeCommon.h>

Inheritance diagram for CShapeCommon:
CShape CCircle CLine CPoint CArc CDynamicCircle CKinematicCircle CLineSeg CKinematicPoint CKinematicArc CKinematicLineSeg

Static Protected Attributes

static float m_fGravity = 0.0f
 Gravitational constant.
static float m_fTimeStep = 0.0f
 Time step per animation frame (fictional).

Detailed Description

CShapeCommon is a singleton class that encapsulates things that are common to different shapes. Making it a singleton class means that we can avoid passing its member variables around as parameters, which makes the code minisculely faster, and more importantly, reduces function clutter.