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The LARC Game Engine
A Simple Game Engine from the Laboratory for Recreational Computing
This is the complete list of members for LTimer, including all inherited members.
FixedTimeStepTick(const t &) | LTimer | protected |
GetFPS() const | LTimer | |
GetFrameCount() const | LTimer | |
GetFrameTime() const | LTimer | |
GetTime() const | LTimer | |
LTimer() | LTimer | |
m_bExitSizeMove | LWindowDesc | privatestatic |
m_bFixedTimeStep | LTimer | protected |
m_hInst | LWindowDesc | privatestatic |
m_Hwnd | LWindowDesc | privatestatic |
m_nElapsedTicks | LTimer | protected |
m_nFrameCount | LTimer | protected |
m_nFramesPerSec | LTimer | protected |
m_nFramesThisSec | LTimer | protected |
m_nLeftOverTicks | LTimer | protected |
m_nTargetTicks | LTimer | protected |
m_nTicksPerSec | LTimer | privatestatic |
m_nTimeDelta | LTimer | protected |
m_nTotalTicks | LTimer | protected |
m_qpcFrequency | LTimer | protected |
m_qpcLastTime | LTimer | protected |
m_qpcMaxDelta | LTimer | protected |
m_qpcSecondCounter | LTimer | protected |
ResetElapsedTime() | LTimer | protected |
SecondsToTicks(double) | LTimer | protectedstatic |
SetFixedTimeStep(bool=true) | LTimer | |
SetFrameTime(double) | LTimer | |
Tick(const t &) | LTimer | |
TicksToSeconds(uint64_t) | LTimer | protectedstatic |
VariableTimeStepTick(const t &) | LTimer | protected |