The LARC Game Engine
A Simple Game Engine from the Laboratory for Recreational Computing
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LPlayableSoundDesc Class Reference

The playable sound descriptor. More...

#include <Sound.h>

Private Attributes

SoundEffect * m_pSoundEffect = nullptr
 Sound effect.
SoundEffectInstance ** m_pInstance = nullptr
 Instance array.
size_t m_nInstanceCount = 0
 Number of instances.
bool m_bPlayedThisFrame = false
 Whether sound was started this frame.


class LSound

Detailed Description

The playable sound descriptor describes a sound that is playable by LSound. It consists of a pointer to a sound effect, an array of pointers to instances of the sound effect, and a flag that indicates whether the sound has been played in the current frame. This flag must be unset at the start of each frame and set whenever an instance of the sound is played.