The LARC Game Engine
A Simple Game Engine from the Laboratory for Recreational Computing
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LParticleDesc< VECTOR, SPRITEDESC > Class Template Reference

The particle descriptor. More...

#include <Particle.h>

Inheritance diagram for LParticleDesc< VECTOR, SPRITEDESC >:

Public Attributes

VECTOR m_vVel = VECTOR::Zero
VECTOR m_vAccel = VECTOR::Zero
float m_fFriction = 0.0f
 Coefficient of friction.
float m_fRSpeed = 0.0f
 Rotational speed.
float m_fLifeSpan = FLT_MAX
 Time it will live for.
float m_fMaxScale = 1.0f
 Maximum scale.
float m_fScaleInFrac = 0.0f
 Fraction of life growing in.
float m_fScaleOutFrac = 0.0f
 Fraction of life shrinking out.
float m_fFadeInFrac = 0.0f
 Fraction of life fading in.
float m_fFadeOutFrac = 0.0f
 Fraction of life fading out.

Detailed Description

template<class VECTOR, class SPRITEDESC>
class LParticleDesc< VECTOR, SPRITEDESC >

The particle descriptor describes a particle. It's templated so that we can define a 2D and a 3D version with a minimum of fuss.

Template Parameters
VECTORA vector class.
SPRITEDESCA sprite descriptor class.