Jason West with his award at the April 20, 2012 ceremony at UNT.
Jason West with LARC Director Ian Parberry.
Jason West with Costas Tsatsoulis, Dean of UNT's College of Engineering.
Jason West flanked by two of his colleagues from Respawn Entertainment, and his wife at far right.
The award close up.
Ian Parberry (left), Jason West (center), and his father Bruce West (right).
I may have just said something funny.
Ian Parberry (left), Jason West (center), and his father Bruce West (right).
Ian Parberry (left) and Jason West (right).
Costas Tsatsoulis, Dean of UNT's College of Engineering, presents Jason with his award.
Jason expresses his gratitude.
Left to right, Dean Tsatsoulis, Jason West, Ian Parberry.
Left to right, Dean Tsatsoulis,
Ian Parberry,
Jason West,
Bruce West.
Left to right,
Ian Parberry,
UNT Provost Warren Burggren,
Jason West,
Dean Tsatsoulis.
Ian Parberry with Jason West and his award.
Ian Parberry with his wife, Virginia Holt.