Platformer Prototype
A Bare-Bones Platformer
Platformer Prototype Documentation

This game is based on the Tiled Top-Down Shooter Prototype with the addition of gravity, a jumping mechanic, and an exit door that ends the level.


Keyboard Controls

F1 Help (this document)
F2 Toggle frame rate display
F3 Toggle drawing of AABBs
Left arrow Rotate counterclockwise when pressed
Right arrow Rotate clockwise when pressed
Space Shoot
A Strafe left
D Strafe right
G Toggle God mode
W Jump
Backspace Restart game
PrtScr (hold down) Save screenshot to a PNG file

X-Box Controller

Right Trigger Forward speed
Right Thumb Rotation speed and direction
Right Button Shoot
DPad Left Strafe left
DPad Right Strafe right
DPad Up Jump

The LARC Engine

This code uses the LARC Engine and is part of the LARC Code Base.