Bullet Physics 3D Block Toy
The Bullet Physics Block Toy

A simple 3D toy using Bullet Physics consisting of various things that you can knock over by throwing soccer balls at them. With enough patience and perseverance you can push everything off the edge of the world. Shapes and models are rendered using GeometricPrimitive and Model from DirectXTK12. The models are input using the built-in function Model::CreateFromSDKMESH which requires that the models be in SDKMESH format. The 3D models are from free3d.com and were converted from OBJ format using DirectXMesh. The logo on the small crate has been changed to the logo for the Laboratory for Recreational Computing.


This toy can be played with either the keypad or an XBOX controller.

F1 Help (this document)
Space Right button Throw a ball along the view vector.
Arrow keys Right stick Camera orientation.
WASD Dpad Camera motion (relative to the view vector).
Backspace A Reset to initial conditions.
PrtScr (hold down) Save screenshot to a PNG file

The LARC Engine

This code uses the LARC Engine and is part of the LARC Code Base.

To-Do List

  • The polygonal shapes are not placed correctly. In particular, the dodecahedron needs to be rotated.
  • Add the ability to use a convex hull for collisions on the models. I've gotten it working on the geometric primitives, but that's only because I save a local copy of the vertices. I've tried to access the vertices in a Model, but there seems to be no local copy. I can either override the DirectXTK12 function that loads from an sdkmesh or bite the bullet and write an obj file loader (saving a local copy of the vertex buffer in either).
  • An obj file reader might be a good idea anyway. While you might prefer to shop a game with models in sdkmesh format, it might be better if we could use objs in class.
  • Add in the rest of the geometric primitives that DirectXTK12 provides, including cylinders and cones.
  • Use Bullet joints to make a table out of 4 cylinders and a block with bounding boxes around each part. Have the table come apart after enough hits.
  • Currently the camera can pass through objects, which is why back-face culling is currently turned off. Use Bullet Physics to prevent this from happening, then turn on back-face culling for a 2x increase in rendering speed.
  • A lot of the parameters for meshes and models are hard-coded. It would be better to read them from gamesettings.xml along with the other settings instead. Derive a class from CSettings and write the code for this.